Teller Report

King Felipe VI of Spain renounces the legacy of his father Juan Carlos

3/15/2020, 9:46:32 PM

The ruler announced his decision in a statement

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by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea 15 March 2020 King Felipe VI of Spain has decided to renounce the legacy of his father, Juan Carlos I, and made his announcement in the afternoon through a declaration from the royal house.

The press release announced that the emeritus king had given up the fund destined for him, allocated in the budget of the royal house, which in recent years has exceeded 194,000 euros.

"Consistent with the words spoken in his proclamation speech and in order to preserve the example of the Crown - it can be read in the declaration - his Majesty the king wants it to be known publicly that his majesty the king Don Juan Carlos is aware of his decision to renounce the inheritance that may correspond to him personally, as well as any activity, investment or financial structure whose origin, characteristics or purpose may not comply with the legality or the criteria of justice and integrity that govern his institutional and private activity and that they must inform the Crown's business. "

Felipe VI says he made this decision for the sake of the example he advocated in his proclamation speech. The news was released by El Pais online.

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