Teller Report

Rugani reassures Juventus fans after positive Covid-19 test

3/12/2020, 11:46:48 AM

Italian defender urges "everyone to follow the rules" to prevent widespread spread of the virus

Daniele Rugani tested positive for Coranavirus - SIPA

"I'm fine": affected by the new coronavirus, the Italian defender of Juventus Turin, Daniele Rugani, wanted to be reassuring Thursday on Twitter and invited everyone "to respect the rules". "You've probably read the information and that's why I want to reassure all those who worry about me: I'm fine," wrote Rugani on his personal account.

"Respect the rules for those around us"

"I invite everyone to follow the rules because this virus does not make a distinction. Let us do it for us, for those who are dear to us and for those around us, ”he added. Rugani tested positive for coronavirus on Wednesday, Juventus said the player was "currently asymptomatic".

Avrete letto la notizia e per questo ci tengo a tranquillizzare tutti coloro che si stanno preoccupando per me, sto bene.
Invito tutti a rispettare le regole, perché questo virus non fa distinzioni! Facciamolo per noi stessi, per i nostri cari e per chi ci circonda. # Grazie

- Daniele Rugani (@DanieleRugani) March 12, 2020

"Juventus is currently activating all planned isolation procedures, including the identification of all those who have had contact with it," the club said in a statement. Rugani, 25, is the first Serie A footballer to be affected by the disease, which has killed 827 people in more than 12,000 cases in Italy. Several Serie C players (3rd. Div) have already been victims of the virus.

While Serie A was suspended Monday until April 3, the announcement of this positive test further complicates the organization of the knockout round of the Champions League between Juventus and Lyon. Scheduled next Tuesday in Turin, it was to be played behind closed doors, as permitted by a provision of the decree issued Monday by the head of the Italian government.


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