Teller Report

Iran and Italy Confirmation Increases WHO "Not a Global Pandemic"

2/27/2020, 6:31:14 AM

The number of confirmers in Iran and Italy is skyrocketing. Also in Brazil, Latin America, where no one has been infected, made the first call. Amid fears of spreading around the world, the World Health Organization (WHO) stressed that although it is a concern, it is not yet a global pandemic.


The number of confirmers in Iran and Italy is skyrocketing. Also in Brazil, Latin America, where no one has been infected, made the first call. Amid fears of spreading around the world, the World Health Organization (WHO) stressed that although it is a concern, it is not yet a global pandemic.

I am Ahn Seohyun.


It's crowded inside the pharmacy with people trying to buy masks, but it's not easy to get it.

[Hussein / Tehran Citizen: I can't get my mask and hand cleaner. Public places are not clean. Buses and subways are all polluted.]

In Iran, the number of deaths from Corona 19 increased to 19, with 139 confirmed.

The mortality rate is around 14%, well above the world average of 3%.

In Italy, where Corona 19 is spreading rapidly, a four-year-old girl has been confirmed, and the number of confirmed patients has been tentatively increased to 400, and the death toll has increased to 12.

In Latin America, which was considered the "last bulwark," the first officials came out of Brazil, raising tensions.

The World Health Organization (WHO) expressed concern that corona19 new cases are growing faster outside of China.

"We are deeply concerned that Corona 19 is soaring in Italy, Iran and South Korea," the WHO Secretary-General said.

But he stressed that Corona 19 could still be controlled and not yet reached the global pandemic.

"There is no point in using the word pandemic unintentionally," he said. "We can amplify irrational fear and stigma to paralyze the systems of countries."

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