Teller Report

The Security Council votes Wednesday on a draft resolution on a ceasefire in Libya

2/11/2020, 9:01:19 PM

Diplomatic sources said that the UN Security Council will vote on Wednesday on a British draft resolution that supports the results of the Berlin conference on a ceasefire in Libya.

A diplomat reported that Britain asked for the vote after preparing the project, which has been in consultations for more than three weeks.

If approved, the British draft would be the first binding text adopted by the Security Council since the forces of retired Libyan Major General Khalifa Haftar began their attack on Tripoli on April 4 last year.

Russia's position remains unknown after it suspended adoption of the project a week ago.

The Berlin conference held last month with the participation of 11 countries called for a permanent and effective cease-fire in Libya, respect for the arms embargo imposed by the United Nations in 2011, and the cessation of any external interference in the conflict that has existed in the country for years.

Turkey and Russia announced a ceasefire that entered into force in Libya on January 12, but the Al-Wefaq government accused Haftar's forces of repeatedly violating it through attacks targeting civilians and civilian facilities such as the Maitika airport in Tripoli.

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