Teller Report

259 deaths from corona virus in China

2/1/2020, 10:10:53 PM

The Chinese authorities announced yesterday that the number of confirmed deaths of the new Corona virus has risen to 259 cases in the country, while the number of people infected with the virus has reached 11,791 people. The National Health Committee said at its press conference that the number of new deaths recorded in the 24 hours

The Chinese authorities announced yesterday that the number of confirmed deaths of the new Corona virus has risen to 259 cases in the country, while the number of people infected with the virus has reached 11,791 people.

The National Health Committee said in its press conference that the number of new deaths recorded in the past 24 hours amounted to 46 deaths, all - except for one death only - were registered in Hubei, the central province which the virus first appeared in its capital, Wuhan, last December. .

It is believed that the new virus appeared in a market in Wuhan, where wild animals are sold, and spread in the shade of the Chinese Chinese holiday season during which millions of Chinese travel internally and abroad.

China took strict measures to prevent the spread of the virus, including quarantining more than 50 million people in Wuhan and besieging Hubei Province.

Outside of China, the number of countries that the epidemic has reached has reached more than 20, and the United States yesterday took exceptional measures to tackle the virus, which included preventing foreigners from entering its territory if they had visited China during the past two weeks, and imposing a quarantine period of up to 14 One day for American citizens returning from Hobby.

The World Health Organization announced, two days ago, that the outbreak of the new Corona virus in China is a public health emergency of international concern, and the decision, which is the highest level of warning, was taken after the first confirmed cases of human-to-human transmission outside China.

A German Air Force plane left Wuhan yesterday, evacuating 130 people from there, including 90 Germans and 40 people of other nationalities.

In Russia, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the Russian Air Force began yesterday the evacuation of Russian citizens from China, where the Coruna virus broke out, and Russian Interfax and Tas agencies reported that Peskov told reporters that the evacuations will take place in the regions most affected by the virus.

The German Air Force evacuates 130 people from Wuhan, including 90 Germans and 40 other nationalities.

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