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"To ensure the security of the state": because of the coronavirus, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation will suspend visa-free travel to China

2/1/2020, 6:28:13 PM

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation decided to suspend visa-free travel to China because of the 2019-nCoV coronavirus. The order will enter into force from midnight on February 2. In addition, the issuance of work visas to Chinese citizens has been temporarily suspended. Earlier, Vladimir Putin instructed to attract VKS planes to evacuate Russian citizens from the Chinese regions most affected by the virus. According to presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov, the export of Russians by military sides will begin on February 3-4.

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation temporarily suspended visa-free tourist trips to China, as well as the issuance of work visas to Chinese citizens.

“In order to ensure state security, protect public health and prevent the spread of a new coronavirus infection (2019-nCoV) on the territory of the Russian Federation, temporarily suspend visa-free tourist trips stipulated by the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on visa-free group tourist trips,” says at the disposal published on the website of the government of the Russian Federation.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to attract aircraft of the Aerospace Forces to evacuate Russian citizens from China in connection with the coronavirus epidemic.

“By order of the President of Russia, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Putin, aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces will be involved in the evacuation of Russian citizens from areas of China most affected by the coronavirus,” Peskov said.

Later, he specified that the evacuation will begin on February 3-4, since it was necessary to complete the coordination of flight information with the Chinese side and it took some time.

The Ministry of Defense explained that five planes with military doctors and virologists will be sent for the Russians. The department added that the experts will have modern diagnostic tools and medical supplies.

At the same time, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had a telephone conversation with his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, and discussed measures to combat the epidemic with him.

“The Russian side praised the measures taken by China to combat the spread of the disease caused by coronavirus. The issues of Russian-Chinese cooperation in this area were discussed, ”the ministry said.

The Russian embassy in the PRC said it had begun compiling lists of those who intend to urgently leave the territory of the Chinese province of Hubei, where the focus of the disease is located. The diplomatic mission recalls that upon returning to Russia, citizens will be placed in 14-day quarantine.

Amid the spread of the disease, Australian authorities have banned all visitors from China to their territory, with the exception of their own citizens, who are also waiting for quarantine. In turn, Vietnam announced a complete suspension of flights with China. The country's Civil Aviation Authority has canceled all previously issued permits for flights between Vietnam and China. The measures taken include, but not limited to, Taipei, Hong Kong and Macau. The authorities are also discussing the possibility of suspending the issuance of tourist visas to foreigners who have visited China over the past two weeks.

Meanwhile, the leadership of Kyrgyzstan decided to close the border with China, as well as to suspend flights. About this RIA Novosti reported in the press service of the government.

In turn, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi sharply condemned the country's transport blockade due to an outbreak of coronavirus. During a telephone conversation with his Pakistani counterpart, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Wang Yi noted that such actions undermine international cooperation.

“Such measures, taken when hard times have come for someone, are unacceptable in the framework of international cooperation,” the TASS minister quotes.

Also on RT map: in which countries a new coronavirus is detected

Meanwhile, in the Chinese province of Hubei, to fight the epidemic, the holidays were extended to mark the lunar new year until February 13th. Holidays were supposed to end on January 31. The number of people infected with the new type of coronavirus exceeded 12 thousand, 259 people died from the disease, the State Committee on Health of the country said.

Recall that Russia from February 1, 2020 temporarily suspended the implementation of regular passenger air transport between countries by Russian and Chinese airlines. Exceptions are Aeroflot flights to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong.

The Russian Embassy in China, as well as the Ministry of Transport, once again asked the Russians to refrain from traveling to China. The ministry added that in case of cancellation of the trip, Russian air carriers will refund the ticket price.

Earlier, Rospotrebnadzor said that the condition of two Chinese tourists with coronavirus hospitalized in Russia is satisfactory. Persons who were in contact with the infected were also isolated, but the tests did not reveal any signs of infection.

Also on February 1, it became known that a Chinese student returning to Karelia was hospitalized with suspected coronavirus. The Minister of Health of Karelia Mikhail Okhlopkov told about it.

“Today, a student at the Petrozavodsk Conservatory who returned from China was hospitalized with suspected coronavirus infection,” he confirmed.

The young man is in stable condition, the results of his analyzes will be ready in the evening of February 2.

In addition to the evacuation of their citizens from the PRC and the suspension of flights, the Russian authorities decided to restrict the citizens of the PRC from crossing the border with Mongolia. A government decree banning the issuance of work visas to Chinese citizens is also being prepared. Currently, experts from the two countries are working on a vaccine against the disease.

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