Teller Report

“For a divorced woman, a man is a kinder surprise”: how the participants of the “Female Standup” show joke about themselves, relationships and sex

1/17/2020, 8:40:44 AM

On January 18, TNT will show the first issue of the Women's Stand-Up program, which, according to the channel, of the first show is a platform for female comedians. The project’s creative producers were comedy finalists Irina Myagkova and Zoya Yarovitsyna. According to the authors' idea, the heroes of the program from the stage talk about things that a modern woman is faced with in one way or another: husbands, children, girlfriends and sex are the topic for jokes. RT watched the first issue of "Women's Standup" and tells why this project can be considered bold and even risky.

On Saturday, January 18, the comedy project "Female Standup" starts on TNT, one of the creative producers of which was the winner of the comedy Battle. Last season ”of 2015 Irina Myagkova.

“We are not such a women's party: we’ve gathered with the girls, we’ll do stand-up and rolls,” she promises from the stage.

In a nutshell, Myagkova, who took over the duties of the permanent host of the “Women's Standup,” explains the essence of the program: only women speak, they speak exclusively the truth. However, viewers will also see Pavel Zalutsky in the premiere. He is of non-traditional sexual orientation and, like the rest of the participants, jokes about the relationship with men and his own dissimilarity to others.

Each girl on the stage of the “Women's Standup” girl understands that in some ways she does not fit into the framework of the ideal life that is being preached in modern (and not only) society. And everyone is ready to laugh at it. Although he understands: "We were taught: we should be ashamed of everything."

31-year-old Zoya Yarovitsyna (by the way, also a creative producer of the show) is not ashamed of her appearance - she is now mistaken for a lesbian and offers to diversify the leisure of bored married couples - and jokes about all the offers that she receives.

The mother of three children Margarita Rodina is not ashamed of age. Maybe it reflects a little on this topic (otherwise, where does the entry “at 39 years old there are fewer people who believe in you” come from?), But laughs at all the ambiguous situations in which she gets thanks to young lovers or her own children:

“How can you calmly talk with a person who constantly delves into your closet? Here I go into the room, she stands and tries on my underpants. I say: “Polina, you are 15 years old, you are a ninth grade student, why do you need lace thongs?” She says: “You are 39 years old, you are a mother of many children. Why do you need them? ”

Masha Markova is not ashamed of the role of an awkward shy intellectual having difficulties in relations with men, and Saule Yusupova is not ashamed in principle to go on stage (which is especially valuable in a situation where the artist was brought up by strict parents in accordance with traditional family values).

  • © Press Service of TNT Channel

Laughter crowds out fear - including public opinion. And really, will one who has three children from three different husbands be afraid of condemnation? “Well then, at 39 you have a different attitude to tattoos. No one will say: “Can you imagine how she will look in old age!”.

All speakers adhere to the role model professed by stand-up comedians in Russia and abroad - ironicizing over themselves and others - but retain individuality and pluralism of opinions. So the homeland jokes that it can teach a young lover only how to combine three loans into one. Myagkova, on the contrary, looks at young people with indulgence: “He says: I am an adult, I am an adult! And I feel he smells of sneakers. ”

If for Yarovitsyna a man is a great topic for speech (mainly the artist is inspired by her husband, who, according to the pedometer, takes 22 steps in a day), for Markova (or rather, her stage image) is an unattainable ideal, “a holiday that passes by ".

But courageous and even risky “Female Stand-up” can be considered not only due to the degree of personal revelation. Girls joke a lot on the topic of sex - but not in a straightforward way, as men used to do, but in a sophisticated way through the prism of work (Yusupova, a gynecologist in the past), quarrels with her husband (“Sex in marriage is such that they can sometimes make it worse” ) and floor plans.

“In American films, it looks very cool, I agree. They swear at something, and then he presses it against the wall, pushing it to the window. Very cool, but we have odnushka. In order to stir up such things, we will have to, as before cleaning, raise the chairs up, remove the clothes dryer. While you are doing this, the mood will leave ... (have sex. - RT ) and the mood will come to vacuum, ”says Yarovitsyna.

What is most curious, touching on topics that are painful for many women, the participants in the show hide their own opinion on these issues under the guise of jokes and give very specific advice.

“If someone wants to tell their beloved woman that he is married, do not use emoticons. Even sad ones will not do. Even Mr. But with eyes - not that. Very accurate, but not that, ”Myagkova comments on the topic of married men.

Yusupova sneers at the advice to women “What to do so that a man does not change” and concludes that the game is not worth the candle. Markova is trying to figure out how to tell her lover that you have a child. He doesn’t come to any conclusion, but ends on a positive note: “For a divorced woman, a man is like a kinder surprise. At first a pleasant excitement, then you open and: “Oh, I already had one! This is generally the most common. Change with Svetka! ”

“Women in life often have to lie, hush up something, pretend that everything suits them. Nobody will be silent here, this is the trick of the "Women's Stand-up" - to talk. Moreover, to speak openly, without fear of condemnation. And this is not just our desire. Now is the year 2020, women work on a par with men, but prejudices such as “How can this be? You are a girl! You are a mother! ”We want to show that any woman can share what she really thinks, and there will be nothing for her. And the audience will appreciate the humor, ”- so the producers of the show answer the question about the goals of its creation.

The public’s reaction to the revelations of the stand-ups can be tracked on January 18 - the show will be broadcast on TNT at 22:00 and will be broadcast by the channel every Saturday. The composition of participants in different issues should vary, but not change dramatically - in total, nine comedians take part in the filming. Also, in each series, viewers will see among the guests famous performers and show business stars.

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