Teller Report

The first trial of the killing of disabled people

1/8/2020, 8:10:33 AM

A trial has begun for a case in which 19 residents were killed at a facility for the mentally disabled in Sagamihara. Noon in front of the Sagamihara facility where the incident occurred ...

The first trial of the disabled case

A trial has begun for a case in which 19 residents were killed at a facility for the mentally disabled in Sagamihara. In front of the facility in Sagamihara City where the incident occurred, a nearby inhabitant came to dedication shortly after noon and mourned the victims.

Of these, Masaki Onaka (72) said, “As a member of society, being indifferent to the incident would stand on the side of the perpetrator, so I thought it would be unsatisfactory and visited a flower offering. The trial started today. However, I would like Uematsu to face each and every one of the 19 people and think about feeling the pain. "

Noriko Ota (77) said, "I hope that everyone can live comfortably and dignifiedly. I still can't forgive Uematsu." Along with the first trial, one of the bereaved family released a photograph of the 19-year-old daughter and the name below, saying, "Contacting the real name to report my cute child to Ko, Oto, and Hei. Instead, I was very impressed with my parents' desire to remember.I was really pleased to be a very cute and loving child and that I was glad to have my real name. "

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