Teller Report

US ambassador to Poland speaks about the causes of World War II

12/30/2019, 7:40:23 PM

The United States Ambassador to Poland, Georgette Mosbacher, spoke on the causes of World War II.

“It was Hitler and Stalin who agreed to start World War II,” she said on Twitter. So the diplomat commented on the words of the Russian president regarding the events of the Second World War.

According to her, "Poland has become a victim of this conflict."

December 24, Putin called the bastard of the Polish ambassador to Germany, who in 1938 promised to erect a monument to Adolf Hitler in the event of the expulsion of Jews to Africa.

In this regard, the Russian ambassador to Poland Sergey Andreev was called to the Polish Foreign Ministry. According to him, the conversation was quite correct, but it was tough in nature.

On December 22, the Polish Foreign Ministry expressed the opinion that statements by the Russian authorities, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, regarding the Second World War present a "false picture of events."

The Russian Foreign Ministry commented on this statement, saying that "it was the representatives of Warsaw who for many years undermined the work of experts and bilateral relations."

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