Teller Report

Putin and Lukashenko can discuss gas issues before the end of the year

12/27/2019, 7:58:16 PM

Spokesman for the Russian leader Dmitry Peskov said that the heads of Russia and Belarus, Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko, if necessary, can phone before the New Year to resolve the issue of gas supplies.

“There is, of course, time pressure, because a number of issues remain unresolved. But contacts are ongoing. And we expect that if the presidents consider it necessary, they will phone up to the end of the year, ”RIA Novosti quoted Peskov as saying.

He noted that everything will depend on the decision of the presidents.

Earlier, Deputy Minister of Energy of Belarus Mikhail Mikhadiuk said that Minsk was counting on clarity in resolving the gas issue with Moscow before the end of the year.

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