Teller Report

SK began checking after an accident with a bus near Lipetsk

12/26/2019, 7:34:15 PM

Investigators began checking after a regular bus rolled over in the Lipetsk region.

“At present, a procedural check has been organized, investigators of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Lipetsk Region have gone to the scene. According to the results of the pre-investigation check, a procedural decision will be made, ”the agency informed TASS.

The accident occurred on December 26 at the 356th kilometer of the M4 Don highway.

In total, there were 19 people on the bus, two of them died and eight were injured.

As the head of the Stanovlyansky district Sergey Nikitin noted, all the victims are Georgian citizens. According to preliminary data, the accident could occur in slippery conditions.

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