Teller Report

Adult chickenpox is a risk to children

11/11/2019, 8:06:46 PM

The German Institute for Quality in Healthcare has indicated that adult chickenpox - a highly contagious disease - poses a risk to children.

He explained that the symptoms of this disease appear in the form of fever and rashes are cured after two weeks in the case of children, unlike the case of adults, which may last longer and more impact with an increased risk of complications.

The Institute added that anyone who has had chickenpox in childhood is immune to the immune system.

It is important to vaccinate women who want to have children, where the first six months of pregnancy can lead to serious birth defects, and perinatal infections can be life-threatening. If a woman is already pregnant, she cannot be immunized against chickenpox.

The German committee advised immunization to anyone who contacted people with chickenpox within five days.

Chickenpox is rare for anyone who has been vaccinated against the disease. However, if a person is infected, the disease is less severe, and complications are less likely.

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