Teller Report

Tristan Lopin: "I wanted to make a show a little in the spirit of a drink with friends"

11/7/2019, 2:57:38 PM

On Europe 1, the humorist evokes his show, & quot; Affective dependence & quot ;, in which he recounts in particular his difficulties in love.

On Europe 1, the humorist evokes his show, "Emotional dependence", in which he recounts his difficulties in love.


Breaks are sometimes good. Tristan Lopin has decided to turn his love affair into the main driving force of his show Affective Dependence . A show he plays at the Palais des Glaces, in Paris, until November 16th? before starting a tour in France. At Anne Roumanoff, he confides in this one man show.

"I'm talking about love issues, but not only"

After five years as a couple, Tristan Lopin had a complicated separation. "I shit," he slips with a smile. And he took advantage of this story, and those that followed, to illustrate his show. "I'm talking about problems in love, but not only," he says all the same.

In the form of a great fun confession, the humorist delivers anecdotes about what he could live. "I wanted to do a show a little in the spirit of an aperitif between friends," says the comedian, "but where there is only me who speaks," he adds amused. A recipe that works, since his show is often full.

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