Teller Report

Södertälje's city director criticizes Telge Energy's CEO's climate strike initiative

10/9/2019, 6:13:25 PM

Södertälje's City Director, Rickard Sundbom, criticizes Telge Energy's newly appointed CEO, Johannes Boson. The reason is that neither the political leadership nor the city director had been informed of the decision to allow his employees to participate in a climate demonstration at work.

It was a couple of weeks ago that Telge Energi bused its 50 employees to Stockholm to participate in a climate strike. An initiative that has been both praised and praised.

The aftermath now is that the CEO of the municipal electricity company had not informed the political leadership in Södertälje about the initiative.

- We can only state that they should have informed us, we have routines for it and it was missed this time, says City Director Rickard Sundbom.

How do you look at it?
- It's not good at all. We have the routines for a reason and that is because we want to ensure that the management of the municipality is informed and has an influence on what is happening and not happening.

"Have taught me now"

Telge Energi's CEO, Johannes Boson, who has been sitting at his post since last summer, admits he did not know the routines.

- I had informed our chairman and thought it was enough. Since I had not previously worked in municipal controlled companies, I did not have the political dimension at all ready for me then, he says.

What consequences has this had?

- I have had discussions with the chairman and the group about the ownership of Telge Energi, which is different from what I am used to, and I need to take that into consideration in the future. And now I've learned it.

Do not regret the decision

So, should you have informed?

- I never could have imagined in my wildest imagination that it would have as much impact as it had. And it's clear that in hindsight, maybe I should have informed more, of course.

Finally, was it right to let the employees participate in the demonstration?

- Yes, I absolutely do.

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