Teller Report

Two men and women are flown in the river of Kitaakita City Three people are left behind in the state | NHK News

10/8/2019, 6:13:29 AM

According to a report from the Akita Prefectural Police headquarters, two men and women were washed away in the river upstream of Lake Taihei in Moriyoshi, Kitaakita City on the afternoon of 8th…

Two men and women are flown in the river of Kitaakita City Three people are left behind in Nakashu 15:08 on October 8

According to a message from the Akita Prefectural Police Headquarters, on the afternoon of August 8, there was a report that two men and women were washed away in the river upstream of Lake Taihei in Moriyoshi, Kitaakita City.

In addition, at least three people are left behind in the river's Nakasu. Currently, the police and the fire department are heading for rescue.

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