Teller Report

The Greens of Benavis

10/8/2019, 12:25:23 AM

The capital suffered a thrombosis yesterday. Hakes loaded with certainties, that is, plugged one of the arteries. The pedagogical - the healthy - would have been that, replace the system c

The capital suffered a thrombosis yesterday. Hakes loaded with certainties, that is, plugged one of the arteries. The pedagogical - the healthy thing - would have been that, replace the circulatory system, someone with authority will explain to the clot how the organism they want to collapse works. But the mishap was followed by the usual massage with a thousand hands of tall Tertullian studs and, what is worse, of a parliamentarian with an extraparliamentary vocation.

I try to imagine what the call sounds like who hears on Monday morning, with a canoe on his shoulder as if it were an image in procession, to stop a street in Madrid. Those who disturb public order usually invoke a superior cause that demands it. There are nihilists who only want to see the world of burning, but those of the canoe, go, they are supposed to ask for the exact opposite. These are people who go through life aware that they have a very urgent mission.

The pedagogical thing would be to explain to them that civil resistance has a meaning, but not a final one. Talk about the rudiments of legitimacy, anyway. Tell them that, seen both in full fray, what separates a legitimate movement for the civil rights of a band from the club is that the former insubordinates to be allowed to participate in the discussion and the second wants to settle the discussion. The first wants a seat at the deliberation table and the second wants to punch the board because it comes with an unplayable solution. Teleological details that distinguish a José María Torrijos from an Omar Torrijos .

The epic of the rebellion is intoxicating, hence in Catalonia there are thousands of supremacists believing themselves heirs of Rosa Parks . If you have to insist on these heavy lessons, it is because an urgent and unplayable cause has been given to a drunken generation of an epic rebel.

Moreover, he has been told that the grievous procedures invented by his parents to solve the problems are the main impediment to the imposition of a solution which, they have added, cannot be delayed. This is the perfect cocktail for the erection of ecoautoritarism that Manuel Arias Maldonado described so brilliantly in a recent gallery in EL MUNDO . Who would not do without reflection if he sees his house burn.

To me, who is a disciplined subject of the IPCC, what starts to scare me the most is the suspicion that these environmentalists in Benavis believe that in order to save the planet, the world must be made uninhabitable.

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