Teller Report

Trump asks China to investigate the Biden family

10/3/2019, 7:22:15 PM

US President Donald Trump has now called on China to investigate the Biden family, this time in front of rolling television cameras. At the same time, Trump runs the risk of asking Ukraine for the same. "Nobody knows how to handle this," says Carina Bergfeldt, SVT's foreign correspondent.

When President Trump met with the press today, he said he thinks China should investigate whether former Vice President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, has committed any irregularities in the country. At the same time, Democrats are gathering power to bring Trump to court after it emerges that he has asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj to let Hunter Biden investigate corruption.

Carina Bergfeldt on location in New York during Greta Thunberg's speech

Carina Bergfeldt is SVT's foreign correspondent in the USA. She says the situation is strange.

- I think many people don't know how to handle this. The Democrats and Republicans see the world in different ways, but this becomes a special situation when Trump stands back in front of the cameras and says the same thing again, she says.

The accusations of the conversation with Ukraine

The accusations against Trump regarding Ukraine are about a phone call asking President Zelenskyj for a job, namely to investigate Hunter Biden for corruption. Hunter Biden has been involved in a Ukrainian company against which allegations of irregularities have been made.

There is no report that Trump should have filed a counterclaim on Zelenskyj for an investigation. But that Trump asked for a job, while holding on to major defense spending that the United States promised Ukraine, Democrats see as a serious violation.

"Republicans mean this is tram, they think you should take Trump on the words and that it's not a quid pro quo," explains Carina Bergfeldt.

Quid pro quo is a Latin term that means about "something for something", that is, services require a consideration.

Biden in China

Trump's basis for today's statement about China is probably about a trip that Joe and Hunter Biden made in 2013, when Joe Biden was vice president. During a visit to China, Hunter Biden should have met with Chinese bank officials to open a fund. That's what NBC News writes.

There are similarities in today's statement from Donald Trump to those he said in front of the press's cameras during his election campaign during the 2016 election. Then he urged Russia to look right for his opponent Hillary Clinton's missing mail.

- It's the same thing here and it can be dismissed as a joke. But it's very different to be president or just a candidate, says Carina Bergfeldt.

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