Teller Report

President Putin expects progress in talks on US-North Korea dialogue | NHK News

10/3/2019, 11:25:10 PM

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that President Trump has an extraordinary power to discuss North Korea ’s denuclearization with the United States…

Putin expects progress in talks on US-North Korea dialogue route Oct. 4: 8:21

Regarding the talks between the United States and North Korea toward the denuclearization of North Korea, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that President Trump has extraordinary power, praised President Trump's dialogue line, Showed expectations.

President Putin spoke at an international academic conference held in Sochi in southern Russia on the 3rd, and talked about the talks between the United States and North Korea over denuclearization. ”And expressed expectations for progress.

He then praised President Trump's dialogue, saying, “We must justify Trump ’s extraordinary power. We have taken a historical step and started the negotiation process with President Kim.”

The US-North Korea talks are likely to have a positive impact on Putin's remarks as the United States does not depart from the dialogue line, as North Korea's SLBM = submarine-launched ballistic missile launch is concerned about adverse effects.

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