Teller Report

Death of Jacques Chirac: Marine Le Pen renounces to go to Monday's tribute ceremony

9/29/2019, 5:31:12 PM

The President of the National Gathering renounces to go to the tribute ceremony to the former President of the Republic, scheduled Monday. & Nbsp;

The president of the National Gathering renounces to go to the tribute ceremony to the former President of the Republic, scheduled for Monday.

The President of the National Rally Marine Le Pen has renounced to attend the ceremony of homage to President Jacques Chirac Monday at Saint-Sulpice Church, after the reserves of the family on his presence, said his entourage Sunday at the AFP.

"Since the Chirac family does not want to respect the republican customs, Ms. Le Pen will not go to the ceremony," said the entourage of Marine Le Pen, confirming information from BFMTV.

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