Teller Report

The president of “selfie” at the UN speech… | NHK News

9/27/2019, 11:58:00 PM

As politicians send information via the Internet, at the United Nations General Assembly, President Buquele of El Salvador, Central America, sends it on SNS “Self-photograph…

The president of “selfie” at the UN speech The aim is… September 28, 8:53

As politicians send information via the Internet, the United Nations General Assembly gave a speech after taking a “self-portrait” photo sent by President Bukere of El Salvador in SNS on the stage, and the unique behavior exposed the topic. It was.

President Bukere in Central America El Salvador went up on the stage at the UN General Assembly on the 26th and took his smartphone out of his pocket. He then took a “selfie” photo with a full smile against the background of the United Nations crest.

In later speeches, he said, “There should be far more people watching“ Self-Take ”than this speech,” and called on the leaders of each country to actively connect with young people using SNS. He also put a lot of effort on how to proceed with the UN General Assembly, saying, “The format of the UN General Assembly is out of date. Using video calls will save hundreds of millions of dollars.”

Later, when photos were posted on their own Twitter, they received a response such as “Cool President” or “Let's connect with the world by taking a selfie”. Gathered.

The 38-year-old President Bukele has just been appointed president in an SNS election, but the unique action was a topic where leaders from various countries gathered.

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