Teller Report

Sex: how to tell your partner that you do not want to change your position?

9/26/2019, 7:08:27 PM

Thursday, in "No appointment" on Europe 1, the psychoanalyst and sexologist Catherine White explains how to make his partner understand that he changes too often sexual position.

Thursday, in "Without appointment", on Europe 1, the psychoanalyst and sexologist Catherine Blanc explains how to make it clear to his partner that he changes too often sexual position.

Kamasutra contains 64 different sexual positions. And some people probably know many more. But the sexual relation must not be a display of techniques, in which each partner shows to the other the extent of its know-how. On Thursday, in Sans rendez-vous, the program Santé d'Europe 1, the psychoanalyst and sexologist Catherine Blanc explains on the contrary that the multiplication of positions during a relationship can remove pleasure.

Sandra's question

"I am often disappointed in my sexual intercourse, men often do not try to change their position, but I just start getting in. How can I tell them without hurting them?"

Catherine Blanc's answer

"Men often want to check their own skills, the ability they have to enjoy.The more they are worried about ejaculating quickly, the more they want to be quickly joined by female enjoyment. going out and re-entering can also give them some sort of restoring tranquility when the excitement gets too strong, allowing them to control their ejaculation a bit more.And having all the positions can be motivated by the willingness to show their skills: it is a defect of youth or a man worried about his own sexuality, otherwise, quite naturally, he is in tune with what is indicated by the female body or the death rattle.

But why is Sandra afraid of vexing? Is not it enough to talk about it?

Yes indeed. Say 'Oh no, again' or 'No, it was too good', that's enough. And it's even charming, pretty sexy. There is no need to say 'oh no, I was putting myself in it.' The idea is not to upset the other, but first she must see their concerns of this mode of operation ".

Is not it easier with a partner that we have known for a long time?

"The more a relationship sets in, the more freedom of speech you have, you have to be in peace and you have to have a relationship that lasts a little bit to allow that." If Sandra is disappointed with the pace of change in position perhaps she is also disappointed by the rate of consumption of her partners and the difficulty of asking herself.

Is there an average number of sexual positions compared?

I'm not the queen of numbers, freedom is queen. The question is especially the time we give ourselves to make love. It is sure that making love in the evening, quickly, to reconnect before falling asleep, it is not necessarily a time when we will change a thousand times positions.

As soon as you change position, you have to make muscular and cardiac efforts ... It's still an important physical activity. So when you make love in the evening, late, in the middle of the week, usually they are pretty simple things, with one or two positions. But in the context of when we have more time, indeed, if we count that cunnilingus or blowjobs, which are sexual positions, there are several positions. One could say on average two / three ".

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