Teller Report

Large police operation at Torp shopping center

9/15/2019, 6:29:08 PM

On Sunday, a large number of police officers were alerted to a brawl between about 20 people at the Torp shopping center outside Uddevalla.

Just before 6pm on Sunday, the alarm came to the police, who called several mall patrols, according to Bohusläningen.

- We have checked lots of people and prepared a report of illegal threats, says Gittan Peterson, on-duty investigative officer at the police, to Bohusläningen.

The police must have checked a large number of people and prepared a report of illegal threats. There will be more hearings.

- We don't know exactly what happened. It was a messy situation and we have to work on this to see what has happened. It is a work that will continue for some time to come, ”Gittan Persson tells Bohusläningen.

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