Teller Report

A young Canadian rescues a woman who tried to commit suicide

9/13/2019, 10:06:33 PM

A Canadian woman rescued a woman who committed suicide when she tried to throw herself from a bridge in Abu Dhabi for unknown reasons. And uh

A young Canadian rescued a woman who attempted to throw herself off a bridge in Abu Dhabi for unknown reasons.

Brigadier General Mohammed Suhail Al Rashdi, a young Canadian woman, was honored by the Director of the Criminal Security Sector at the Abu Dhabi Police for her good behavior, praising her speedy response in saving women.

Al Rashidi stressed that the Abu Dhabi Police is keen to honor the shareholders and collaborators with members of the community, in recognition of their positive role, and to motivate others to follow their example, praising the role of the Canadian young woman, and good behavior, and the speed of informing the Abu Dhabi Police Command and Control Center .

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