Teller Report

NHK News: “Prime Election Campaign” Submitted by the Prime Minister

9/9/2019, 11:50:05 PM

British Prime Minister Johnson, on the 10th, submitted a motion to the House of Representatives calling for a general election ahead of schedule, and a vote was taken.

“Prime Election Campaign” submitted by the British Prime Minister rejected by the British House on September 10 at 8:45

British Prime Minister Johnson, on the 10th, submitted a motion to the House of Representatives to hold the general election ahead of schedule, and the vote was made, but it was rejected without obtaining more than two-thirds of the necessary approval .

Prior to this, the British Parliament passed a bill requiring the government to ask the EU to postpone the withdrawal deadline.

Prime Minister Johnson, who has claimed to leave the deadline at the end of next month, opposed to the enactment of the bill, but went to the counter-measures for two general elections, but he was defeated.

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