Teller Report

Venice Festival: Golden Lion at 'Joker'

9/7/2019, 7:32:03 PM

21.21 The Golden Lion of the 76th Venice Film Festival goes to 'Joker' by Todd Phillips, thanks to the chilling laugh of Joaquin Phoenix. Jury Grand Prix to Roman Polanski for his 'J'accuse'. Silver Lion (best director) to Roy Andersson for About Endlessness. Coppa Volpi (best actor) to Luca Marinelli in Martin Eden by Pietro Marcello. Best actress Arianne Ascaride in Gloria Mundi. Best screenplay for Yonfan, director of No.7 Cherry Lane. Special Jury Prize at La Mafia is no longer what it once was by Franco Maresco.


07 September 201921.21 The Golden Lion of the 76th Venice Film Festival goes to 'Joker' by Todd Phillips, thanks to the chilling laughter of Joaquin Phoenix. Jury Grand Prix to Roman Polanski for his 'J'accuse'. Silver Lion (best director) to Roy Andersson for About Endlessness. Coppa Volpi (best actor) to Luca Marinelli in Martin Eden by Pietro Marcello. Best actress Arianne Ascaride in Gloria Mundi. Best screenplay for Yonfan, director of No.7 Cherry Lane. Special Jury Prize at La Mafia is no longer what it once was by Franco Maresco.

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