Teller Report

German Foreign Ministry commented on the exchange between Russia and Ukraine

9/7/2019, 3:50:09 PM

The German Foreign Ministry said that the exchange of held persons between Russia and Ukraine "set in motion" the implementation of the Minsk agreements.

“We welcome the exchange of prisoners between Ukraine and Russia, it sets in motion the implementation of the Minsk agreements. Germany and France are committed to building trust through the Norman format. We are interested in supporting further steps towards peace in the east of Ukraine, ”the ministry said.

Earlier, the special board of the Rossiya detachment, which flew out of Kiev as part of the exchange of retained persons between Ukraine and Russia, landed in Moscow.

Also, a special board with returning citizens of Ukraine landed at the Boryspil airport.

As stated in the US, in this step there are signs of a "decrease in tension" between countries. German Chancellor Angela Merkel also called such a decision a hopeful sign.

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