Teller Report

Hurricane Dorian is increasing in strength - pulling in over the Bahamas

9/1/2019, 5:47:17 PM

Tropical Hurricane Dorian is approaching the Bahamas and it is increasing in strength. On Sunday, Dorian became a Category 5 hurricane, the highest in the scale. It is expected to reach the US southeast coast sometime on Tuesday. - It is bad. An extremely deadly hurricane, says SVT meteorologist Nitzan Cohen.

The fact that Dorian is now classified as a Category 5 hurricane by the US Hurricane Center NHC means that wind forces are measured at least 69 meters per second. This causes extensive damage.

- Floods, storm surges and strong winds can be expected. Roofs can be lifted from houses and buildings can be demolished. If you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, there is a risk of fatal outcome, says Nitzan Cohen.

In the northwestern Bahamas, people have been preparing for the hurricane winds that swept through the country since Sunday morning local time. At nine o'clock on Sunday, hurricane winds are expected to hit the popular tourist destination of the Grand Bahamas.

Trump is expected to give evacuation notice

After Dorian swept through the island kingdom, it is expected to move north toward the US state of Florida. It is expected to hit there on Tuesday, and then move further north toward Georgia and South Carolina.

- According to some forecasts, there are alternative solutions where the hurricane travels across Florida and spins there instead, but the most likely is that it is moving north along the coast, says Cohen.

President Donald Trump is expected to announce a possible evacuation in Florida on Sunday, but already on Sunday morning, evacuations of residential areas in parts of Florida have been ordered, reports CNN.

In the US state of South Carolina, as in Georgia and Florida, a national emergency was announced prior to the hurricane's arrival.

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