Teller Report

France: rally in Paris to denounce "the 100th feminicide" of the year

9/1/2019, 9:02:23 PM

The feminist collective #NousToutes organized this Sunday, September 1 at the end of the day, place du Trocadéro in Paris, a gathering of a hundred people to denounce the "100th feminicide" of the year. While opens Tuesday the ...

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The event organized by #NousToutes, Place du Trocadéro in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, to denounce the 100th feminicide of the year, September 1, 2019. Zakaria ABDELKAFI / AFP

The feminist collective #NousToutes organized this Sunday, September 1 at the end of the day, place du Trocadéro in Paris, a gathering of a hundred people to denounce the "100th feminicide" of the year. While opens Tuesday the Grenelle to fight against domestic violence, the collective denounces a communication operation on the part of the government.

Brandishing panels dedicated to each of the victims, the demonstrators paid tribute to the women killed by taking turns calling their names: " Céline, Sarah, Maguy, Clothilde, Eliane, Euphémie. .. "before sticking the placards on the floor.

" We want a billion, not a million, " the protesters said in unison, referring to their recurring demand to effectively fight domestic violence. That's three and a half times less than what the violence costs every year, says Anaïs Leleux of the collective #NousToutes .

" If France decided today it could radically reduce all the sexist and sexual violence hidden by feminicides, " said AFP Caroline De Haas, member of #NousToutes, by assuring that " many feminicides could have been prevented if there had been no malfunctions .

To read also: 74 feminicides in France in six months: "stop the massacre", proclaims a collective

Sunday morning, the militant group Féminicides by journeyman or ex has registered a 100th feminicide in France since January 1, after the discovery of the dead body of a woman under a pile of rubbish in Cagnes-sur-Mer (Alpes-Maritimes) .

A young man, presented as the boyfriend of the victim, was arrested and placed in custody. The investigators went back to his home with CCTV footage and various testimonials. Witnesses in particular heard the victim say to his attacker, during the argument, " I'm leaving you ".

The victim, aged 21, has not yet been formally identified by her father who reported his disappearance, because of the blows to his face that make it "unrecognizable".

A Grenelle of domestic violence decried

For the year 2018, the Ministry of the Interior had identified 121 feminicides in France by their companion or former companion, one every three days.

Tuesday will open to Matignon a Grenelle of domestic violence long awaited by the invited associations, but already conspired by feminist activists uninvited, who denounce a communication operation.

What we denounce is a Grenelle that will last three months. Why? To bring together some actors and actresses who have been handpicked because a lot of feminist associations that would have a lot of things to say [...] are not even invited. The families of the victims who asked to be present and who would have the right to be present will, for the most part, not be. "

Anaïs Leleux of the #NousToutes Committee 01/09/2019 - by RFI Play

Listen also: Domestic violence: how to help victims?

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