Teller Report

North Korea is unusual and to hold the second Supreme People's Conference | NHK News

8/28/2019, 7:08:37 PM

North Korea will hold the Supreme People's Congress, which is the National Assembly, on the 29th. It is unusual for the Supreme People's Conference to be held twice a year, as the US-North Korea talks about denuclearization…

North Korea is unusual and to hold the second Supreme People's Meeting August 29th 4:02

North Korea will hold the Supreme People's Congress, which is the National Assembly, on the 29th. It is unusual for the Supreme People's Meeting to be held twice a year, and it will be noticed whether some kind of policy regarding the US-North Korea talks about denuclearization is held.

North Korea will hold the Supreme People's Conference on the 29th, which will determine the basic policies of the country, the personnel of national institutions, and revisions to laws.

The Supreme People's Conference has been held in April and has been held twice a year since 2014.

Last time, Kim Jong-un, Chairman of the Korean Labor Party, made a speech that criticized the American unilateral stance to not lift sanctions until complete denuclearization.

North Korea has launched seven short-range ballistic missiles over the past month, and South Korea introduced the state-of-the-art stealth fighter F35 from the United States, and the United States cruised. He accuses me of conducting missile launch experiments and is reluctant to talk with the United States.

The agenda of the Supreme People's Conference has not been clarified, but it will be noticed whether North Korea will show any policy regarding the US-North Korea talks on denuclearization.

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