Teller Report

The Federation Council appreciated the words of trump about the possible return of Russia to the G8

8/20/2019, 7:16:52 PM

First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs, Vladimir Dzhabarov, in an interview with RT, commented on a statement by American leader Donald Trump that he would support Russia's return to the G8.

“The leaders of the leading states understand that it is impossible to do without Russia in the global world. Our country occupies a very important place in solving any world conflict and problem. As for returning to the previous format, Russian leader Vladimir Putin said that our country never refuses contacts, ”he said.

Nevertheless, according to the senator, "Russia itself is not asking for anywhere, but is ready to consider the feasibility of its participation in the G8."

“In the meantime, we are quite happy with the G20 format, where very serious issues are being resolved. Participation in the G8 is not our goal for us, Russia now has other priorities. Nevertheless, now there is a certain rethinking regarding our country. Everyone understands that we are striving for peace, ”Jabarov concluded.

Earlier, trump said he would support Russia's return to the G8.

On August 19, Russian leader Vladimir Putin, commenting on the possibility of resuming the G8, noted that Russia was ready to work with European partners in any format.

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