Teller Report

Child information with high risk of suicide Provide support to doctors and lawyers Nagano | NHK News

8/18/2019, 11:19:51 PM

Nagano Prefecture, aiming for zero child suicide, provides personal information on children at high risk of suicide to schools, local governments, psychiatrists, lawyers, etc.

Child information with high risk of suicide Provide to doctors and lawyers for support Nagano August 19, 8:16


Nagano Prefecture, aiming for zero suicide in children, will begin an unusual effort in the country where schools and local governments provide psychiatrists and lawyers with personal information on children who are at high risk for suicide .

In Nagano Prefecture, the number of suicides by the number of suicides per 100,000 inhabitants reached 74 in the five years until the suicide of minors in the prefecture. We are working on measures to achieve zero suicide.

As one of the policies, a special team of specialists such as psychiatrists and lawyers will be launched this fall, and support will be tailored to each individual. .

For this reason, Nagano Prefecture consulted with the provincial council on the protection of personal information whether it could not provide schools and local governments with the personal information of children who are at risk of suicide, such as those who have attempted suicide. It is that.

According to the National Center for Suicide Control Promotion, it is the first time in the country to provide an external specialist with personal information on children to combat suicide.

The prefecture says, “There were cases where we could not consult outside even if we understood the risk of suicide. We would like to consider effective responses with the support of experts in the future.”

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