Teller Report

The person involved in the case of participation in an action in Moscow with a child spoke about the situation

8/7/2019, 8:00:58 PM

Dmitry Prokazov, whom the prosecutor’s office urged to deprive of parental rights with his wife because, according to the agency, took the child to an uncoordinated rally on July 27 in Moscow, told RT about the situation in which he found himself.

“For us, there is a case in the Investigative Committee about leaving the child in danger and improper performance of parental duties. In this case, we had an interrogation yesterday ... The case that was brought to court is another, separate case that the prosecutor's office instituted against us regarding the deprivation of parental rights. On what basis and for what reason - we don’t know, ”said Prokazov.

He noted that "both cases concern children."

“Both cases, apparently, are based on this video, which is on the Internet ... In the case of rallies and riots, we were invited for interrogation to the Investigative Committee as witnesses,” Prokazov added.

The man emphasized that the video that appeared on the network in which “the godfather takes the child”, supposedly to leave the rally, “does not reflect reality”.

“We walked in the center, we met a friend who was the godfather of my eldest son ... We suggested he come with us ... I asked him to carry my child,” he pointed out.

Earlier, Maxim Pashkov, a family lawyer who the prosecutor's office asks to deprive of parental rights for coming to an uncoordinated rally with a child, confirmed RT criminal proceedings.

According to the latest data, the court has already registered the relevant lawsuit of the Moscow prosecutor’s office, which claims that on July 27, 2019, the couple “took part in an unauthorized rally with an underage son”.

The Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights, Anna Kuznetsova, also commented on this situation.

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