Teller Report

SK opened a case after an accident near Novorossiysk

8/7/2019, 11:45:46 PM

SK opened a criminal case after an accident near Novorossiysk. This was reported by TASS with reference to the press service of the SU IC of Russia in the Krasnodar Territory.

β€œThe investigative department in the city of Novorossiysk of the Investigative Committee of the Territory has opened a criminal case on the fact of a traffic accident involving a car and a passenger bus on the Novorossiysk-Kerch highway on the grounds of a crime under Part 5 of Article 264 of the Criminal Code of Russia (β€œ Violation of the rules of the road and the operation of vehicles resulting in the death of two or more persons through negligence ”),” the department said.

Earlier, the Minister of Civil Defense and Emergencies of the Krasnodar Territory Sergei Pulikovsky said that as a result of an accident near Novorossiysk, three people were killed, 32 more were injured.

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