Teller Report

The area exceeded 1.6 million hectares: in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Irkutsk region introduced an emergency mode due to forest fires

7/29/2019, 3:46:35 PM

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Irkutsk Region and some areas of Buryatia, an emergency situation has been introduced in connection with large forest fires. This was reported in the EMERCOM of Russia. The ministry noted that the fire does not threaten settlements and objects of the economy. Meanwhile, the area of ​​fire has already exceeded 1.6 million hectares. The ministry intends to send additional forces to the region to fight fires.

On the territory of the Irkutsk region and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, due to forest fires, an emergency situation was introduced. In addition, this regime was partially introduced in Buryatia, according to the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

“The regime“ Emergency situation in forests ”was introduced throughout the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Irkutsk Region, and partly in the Republic of Buryatia. The Sakha Republic (Yakutia), the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and the Irkutsk Region remain the most “burning” subjects, ”the department noted.

According to medical and emergency services, about 500 settlements in more than 20 regions of Russia have fallen into the smoke zone due to large-scale fires. At the same time, the Ministry of Emergency Situations emphasizes that raging fires do not pose a threat to residential buildings and economic facilities.

“It should be noted that at present there are no threats to localities and economic facilities,” RIA Novosti quoted the words of the First Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations Alexander Chupriyan.

Spread of fire

As Sergey Menyaylo, plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District, as of July 29, more than 200 fires were recorded. Their area is over 1.6 million hectares.

“As of the morning of July 29, there are 232 centers of forest fires in the regions of the district on an area of ​​1.603 million hectares. The most difficult situation is noted in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (94 fires) and the Irkutsk Region (137 fires), ”he said at a meeting on the passage of fire-hazardous and flood-dangerous periods in the regions of Siberia.

In this regard, he noted that it is necessary to take additional measures to minimize the effects of smoke, as well as to provide residents with medical care.

In the MES, the growth of natural fires is attributed to abnormal natural phenomena. “Based on the analysis obtained from the National Center for Crisis Management (NCSUKS) of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia, we can conclude that anomalous phenomena occur in a number of subjects of the Russian Federation,” said Alexander Chupriyan.

According to him, anomalies arise due to the fact that in some regions of Siberia and the Far East heavy rains occur, while in others the highest class of fire danger and lack of precipitation are recorded.

“The bigger the fire, the more it blocks moisture. From the data of space monitoring it can be seen that cyclones bypass this place (fire. - RT ), so long-awaited rains do not occur, ”the first deputy head of the Ministry for Emergency Situations explained.

All forces to fight fire

The Ministry of Emergency Situations is planning to strengthen the grouping to fight fires in Siberia, since the forces operating there are not enough.

“It is a fact that manpower and resources are not enough. The task is set by the Minister of Emergency Situations of Russia to increase this grouping. Zoom in the near future, ”said Chupriyan.

In particular, an airmobile grouping consisting of 46 people and five pieces of equipment has already been sent to the Krasnoyarsk Territory. At the moment, there are patrol groups of 637 people and 315 units of equipment.

At the same time, Alexander Chupriyan noted that there are some areas where fire extinguishing is difficult, since they are only within the reach of aviation.

  • The airmobile group from Krasnoyarsk is sent to assist in extinguishing forest fires in the Angarsk group of districts of the region
  • © Krasnoyarsk Territory Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

At the mercy of the elements

Against this background, the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Alexander Uss, said that extinguishing fires in some areas of Siberia does not make sense because of the remoteness of these territories, the lack of population and infrastructure, as well as a high risk for rescuers.

“The question is absolutely applied. It is possible today to throw a parachute landing into the control zone ... thousands of people. With this level of smoke and distance, we really expose people to senseless danger. Time to fly there - more than three hours. How can they be saved there if the fire goes? ”He said on July 28, speaking at the All-Russian Educational Forum“ Territory of Young People in Initiative ”Biryusa-2019.

Uss explained that in the so-called control zone, “where the fire is not extinguished by definition,” fires occur due to thunderstorm activity.

"It was and was 100, and 300, and 500 years ago ... The fact is that this is a common natural phenomenon, to fight with which is meaningless, and maybe even somewhere harmful," - expressed the opinion of the governor.

Meanwhile, his statements have already caused a wave of discontent in social networks.

The Emergencies Ministry also disagreed with the arguments of Uss. According to the first deputy head of department, Alexander Chupriyan, economic grounds are marginalized when people need help, including those who are in a smoke zone.

“It seems to me that here no economic arguments can influence the fact that assistance was received,” RIA Novosti quotes Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations.

In turn, the State Duma proposes that the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation reconsider the order to combat regions with forest fires. Thus, the document from 2015 allows local authorities to refuse to extinguish a fire if there is no threat to populated areas, and the cost of eliminating the burning exceeds the possible forecasted damage.

“We need to say that the approaches to the assessment of this damage are revised, because it is not only about economic damage, damage to natural resources, the economy. We need to take into account, among other things, the harm done to people, especially children, ”Nikolai Nikolayev, head of the Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Property and Land Relations, quoted Tass as saying.

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