Teller Report

The number of poisoned foods from automata in Moscow increased to 80

7/22/2019, 5:23:22 PM

The number of people who applied for medical assistance as a result of poisoning with products from Healthy Food chain machines in Moscow increased to 80.

This was reported in the press service of the city administration of Rospotrebnadzor.

"As of 15:00 on July 22, 80 cases of acute intestinal infections were registered, 37 people were hospitalized in total," the statement says.

The Office clarifies that the increase in the number of registered cases is not associated with new diseases, but with a late request for medical help.

Previously reported 75 poisoned.

In June, URA.RU reported that 60 pupils of the sports school and trainers after a dinner in the train started a mass poisoning test in the Urals.

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