Teller Report

Europeans: Steve Bannon to be counted in the speaking time of the RN (CSA)

5/22/2019, 5:15:05 PM

Europeans: Steve Bannon to be counted in the speaking time of the RN (CSA)

Paris (AFP)

The statements of Donald Trump's former strategist, Steve Bannon, on the European elections must be counted in the speaking time of the list of the National Gathering, as a support to it, said Wednesday to AFP the CSA, confirming an information of the emission "Daily".

"Marine Le Pen denies its close ties with Steve Bannon, the CSA has decided to count the time of the former advisor Trump in that of the RN.It is considered a support," had said on Twitter a reporter for the TMC show.

Asked by AFP, the CSA said that the time of Mr. Bannon will be well counted of that of the list led by Jordan Bardella, on the basis of the recommendation taken March 27, which provides in particular that the radios and televisions "take up (...) the speaking time of the candidate lists and their supporters in all their programs".

If the party of Marine Le Pen assured that it did not play any role in the campaign for the Europeans, Steve Bannon, in France since the end of last week, had confirmed in an interview with the Parisian its links with the RN, presenting as an "informal adviser" acting on a "voluntary" basis, in particular to give "advice" and help establish "connections".

"Of all the elections (...) it is by far, here, in France, the most important," Steve Bannon told the newspaper, saying he wants to intervene "in the media to talk about the RN".

? 2019 AFP

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