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Venezuela: the army supports Nicolas Maduro

1/24/2019, 6:15:53 PM

Nicolas Maduro, President-elect, received on Wednesday, January 24th, the support of the army, in the face of international support. to the President of the Juan Guaido National Assembly, ...

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Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez, surrounded by the entire military high command, at a press conference in Caracas, January 24, 2019. REUTERS / Manaure Quintero

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Thursday (January 24th) received the support of the army, in the face of international support given to the Speaker of the National Assembly Juan Guaido, who proclaimed himself the day before "president" acting and immediately recognized by the United States and their allies in the region.

The defense minister, General Vladimir Padrino, appeared in a press conference on Thursday in Caracas surrounded by the entire military high command, to denounce a " coup " by the president of Parliament.

"I warn the people of Venezuela that a coup d'état is being perpetrated against the institutions, against democracy, against our Constitution, against President Nicolas Maduro, our legitimate president, " said the minister.

Eight generals who command strategic regions of the country have previously assured their " loyalty and absolute subordination " to President Nicolas Maduro in messages broadcast by state television. " Loyals always, traitors never ", launched some at the end of their speech, where they did not fail to refer to the former Socialist President Hugo Chavez (1999-2013). On Monday, a brief uprising of a group of soldiers was quickly suppressed.

In addition to the army, Nicolas Maduro has received the support of his Russian and Chinese allies, who have denounced the " external interference " in Venezuela. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday expressed his " support " to Nicolas Maduro in a telephone interview. Cuba and Mexico have also maintained their support.

For his part, Juan Guaido continued to receive messages of support from leaders in America and the European Union (EU), including Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. London has stated through Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt that Maduro " is not the legitimate leader of Venezuela ".

→ (Re) read: Venezuela: Juan Guaido, self-proclaimed "acting president"

US President Donald Trump was the first to recognize him as interim president, followed by a dozen Latin American countries and Canada. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday called on the Organization of American States (OAS) to recognize Juan Guaido as "interim president of Venezuela." The OAS, whose Secretary General Luis Almagro congratulated Juan Guaido, is due to debate the situation in Venezuela on Thursday.

With AFP

→ (re) read: The army, referee of the political crisis in Venezuela?

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