Teller Report

The State Duma estimated the growth of the state debt of Ukraine by $ 2 billion for 2018

1/25/2019, 4:15:57 PM

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots Viktor Vodolatsky, in an interview with RT, commented on the increase in the public debt of Ukraine in 2018.

“The fact that the external debt of Ukraine has grown and has a tendency to further increase, has long been said by all experts on economic issues. IMF loans would never be directed to a country like Ukraine, because there is no guarantee of return. But the money was still sent, given the policy of the West towards Kiev and the desire to support Poroshenko. During the year, information came from fund employees who said that more than half of the trenches were simply being stolen and brought to offshore zones, ”he said.

According to the deputy, in 2019 the situation will be aggravated due to the fact that "today Poroshenko's curators do not have confidence in his victory in the presidential election."

“Therefore, another tranche is expected, but for the main resources of the state. So, the increase in 2018 is the tip of the iceberg, ”says Vodolatsky.

Previously, the total public (direct) and state-guaranteed debt of Ukraine in December increased by 4.8%, or $ 3.56 billion. By the end of 2018, it grew by 2.6%, or $ 2.02 billion.

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