Teller Report

The expert commented on the statement about the readiness of trump to resume hostilities in Syria

1/10/2019, 4:21:39 PM

Pavel Salin, director of the Center for Political Studies at the Financial University, commented on the RT statement by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that US President Donald Trump is ready to restart US military operations in Syria, but Washington hopes that this will not have to be done.

“From the very beginning, when Donald Trump made a statement about the withdrawal of troops from Syria, it was clear that this was not a conclusion, but some reduction in the military presence. Trump’s policies differ from those of his predecessors in that he is trying to pursue the same goals of total domination that America has been facing for the past half century, but with much lower costs. That is, he does not abandon the US strategic plan to remain a world leader, but is trying, as a crisis manager, to significantly reduce costs, ”said Salin.

He also noted that "in the question of Syria, it was always only about reducing the numerical parameters of the US military contingent in the country."

“In the current situation, when from a politico-military point of view, the situation is actually settled and the United States cannot be considered among the winners, they want to actively participate in its further development. Pompeo's statement about possible hostilities is just the way to demonstrate that the States are leaving, but in fact remain. And they do it with such resources that allow them to be a player from a military-force point of view, ”said the expert.

Earlier, Pompeo said that Trump is ready to restart US military operations in Syria, but Washington hopes that this will not have to be done.

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