Teller Report

EU estimated EU imposed sanctions for the incident in the Kerch Strait

3/15/2019, 7:24:26 PM

Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea Vladislav Ganzhara, in an interview with RT, commented on the EU sanctions against eight people in connection with the events in the Kerch Strait.

"The EU continues to dance to the tune of the United States, if the United States imposes sanctions, they immediately prepare some of their sanctions, playing up to Washington ... In fact, when such measures are introduced, we just state that the EU, which so complains about human rights, thus, it really restricts and violates the rights of Russian citizens ... Unfortunately, such a one-sided policy leads to distancing and non-constructive bilateral relations, ”said Ganjara.

The deputy said that he "personally met" with the French delegation, which is now in the Crimea, under the leadership of Thierry Mariani.

“The French delegates, in particular, said that, unfortunately, many states would have lifted sanctions long ago, including France and Italy. But today the EU has created such a bureaucratic mechanism that does not allow them to influence the situation. European partners are confident that time is working in our favor and to achieve unity and consensus on the issue of extending anti-Russian sanctions every time more and more difficult, ”the deputy assured.

Earlier, the EU imposed sanctions against eight Russians for the incident in the Kerch Strait.

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