Every day, Anicet Mbida makes us discover an innovation that could well change the way we consume.

This Wednesday, he is interested in an invention patented by Microsoft which aims to define the interest of a meeting based on body language, facial expressions or the length of the meeting.

The innovation of the day could make it possible to put an end to the meeting place that plagues companies.

This is a tool that automatically assesses the interest of a meeting.

The goal is to avoid wasting time in the most boring.

It is often said that we can only improve what we are able to measure.

It is therefore a tool that analyzes a whole bunch of parameters: body language, facial expressions or the duration of the meeting, whether in videoconference or directly, in a room, thanks to cameras.

This lets him know how many people are really participating, how many are getting impatient or how many are playing around with their phones.

He puts everything into an equation.

And he is able to give a hint of the quality of the meeting.

In fact, it is a kind of evaluation sheet, produced automatically by an algorithm.

The tool will not just give a rating.

He can also suggest people to actually invite so as not to have people who simply come to make an appearance.

It can also become a cop tool to denounce those who send text messages in meetings.

It is true.

Especially since this tool has just been patented by Microsoft.

The same Microsoft that sparked controversy last week with a fairly similar product, since it is able to assess productivity from the number of emails and chat interactions.

In principle, it was supposed to give global metrics to ensure that everyone appropriates the tools (that there are no training needs for example).

But we could also have individual evaluations.

So it's a classic when you measure.

It all depends on the intention of the managers.

These tools can really help improve the situation.

But they can also easily be hijacked.