Here you will find the most important news of the day, the most popular stories of SPIEGEL + and tips for your end of workday.

The theme of the day: The struggle for presidential office in Ukraine

Volodymyr Selensky has succeeded, which few months ago in Ukraine hardly anyone expected: The comedian received in the presidential election more than 30 percent of the vote, incumbent Petro Poroshenko only 16 percent. Now it comes to the ballot - and Selensky can make justified hopes to emerge victorious from the duel.

The 41-year-old has no political experience. So far he gave the head of state only as an actor in a television series. No one really knows what is politically expected of him (read a portrait here). One thing he has hinted at: he promises people "a new life, without corruption, without bribes".

During the day the voices should be counted completely. Experience has shown, however, that it is delayed until the preliminary final result has been obtained. In any case, incumbent Poroshenko set the tone for the upcoming election weeks until the run-off election on April 21: he accused Selensky of being a candidate for Russia.

My colleague Christina Hebel is in Kiev for us and reports on how the election continues and how incumbent Poroshenko still wants to convince voters.

The number of the day: 613,000

They are no longer leaving their homes, stomping on the outside world, being financially dependent on their parents: According to government estimates, in Japan, 613,000 people between the ages of 40 and 64 are extremely withdrawn. A quarter of them are men. The phenomenon is called Hikikomori ("social withdrawal") in Japan. This includes people who did not go to school or work for six months and had no contact with people outside their close family.

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News: What you need to know today

  • Bundeswehr is to be banned from Berlin schools: The troupe needs new blood and therefore woos in schools. "For killing and dying you do not advertise," says the Berlin SPD - and now wants to ban this.
  • Local Election in Turkey - No-confidence vote against Erdogan: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is likely to lose the capital Ankara in the local elections to the opposition. The country is facing exhausting days.
  • SPON survey - Union is weakening, Greens are on the increase: Under new leadership, the CDU and CSU are losing approval, with their ministers significantly narrowing in the poll.
  • The scores of the Bundesliga match day: Four Leipzig are in the eleven of the week - the overview.
  • Zuzana Caputová wins in presidential election in Slovakia. Is the success of the Proeuropean the beginning of the end of the right-wing populist success in Eastern Europe?


Zuzana Caputová

Opinion: The most discussed comments, interviews, essays

"Housing shortage does not disappear by referendum": In Berlin signatures are collected for a referendum on the expropriation of housing companies. The economist Harald Simons warns of the consequences - for tenants and taxpayers.


Harald Schmidt

Why school? Climate protection has to be thought of much more radically, says Harald Schmidt. Do children really have to be educated in their parents' SUV? His advice: Homeschooling would make the schools real competition. Click here for the video.

Stories: The most read texts at SPIEGEL +

Insights into the super-rich C & A family Brenninkmeijers: In the clan behind the fashion group C & A is fiercely fought over traditions, money and power. The family is threatened with disintegration.

The grisly end of the "Islamic state": In the desert between Iraq and Syria, Kurdish fighters in particular have taken the last part of the "caliphate". But underground, the terrorists are preparing for the next phase. My colleague Christoph Reuter with a front report.

Eddy van Wessel

IS fighters

The fairy tale of the cancer wonder test from Heidelberg: The University of Heidelberg celebrated a half-finished blood test of the "Bild" newspaper as a breakthrough. What's behind the PR scandal?

My evening: the recommendations for your end of workday

What you could read: The nose is running, the neck is scratching, the head is glowing - the path to the doctor suddenly becomes infinitely long in thought, but the sick leave can no longer wait. This should be over now. That promises a Hamburg portal and offers the blue certificate via WhatsApp. My colleague Armin Himmelrath has tested the offer.


Sick leave screenshot

I wish you a nice finishing time.


Max Holscher from the Daily Team

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