Here you will find the most important news of the day, the most popular stories of SPIEGEL + and tips for your end of workday.

The topic of the day: May shakes hands with Corbyn in the Brexit dispute

A first idea for the headline of this newsletter was "The U-turn". Because that is quite what Theresa May has just completed in the Brexit dispute: Suddenly she wants to speak with opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn about a possible compromise, the Labor chief accepted the offer. However, there have already been so many changes of direction in the Brexit-Schlingerkurs course that it is no longer possible to speak of one turnaround : a clear course has long since become unrecognizable.


Theresa May

So the question is as usual: how to proceed?

My colleague Kevin Hagen explains what government and labor each want, what a compromise might look like - and how it goes on, both sides should not agree. Either way, patience is needed in the Brexit Theater. However, this patience seems to be losing British service providers. The mood in the important industry has deteriorated significantly. And the EU Commission warns again of the consequences of a hard Brexit.


Demonstration against May

Meanwhile, excitement was caused by a video that appeared on the internet. On it were British soldiers shooting at a picture of Labor leader Corbyn. The Ministry of Defense is investigating the incident. These and other developments can be found in our news blog.

The number of the day: 12

What is discussed emotionally in Germany is already law in twelve other EU countries: the obligation to vaccinate. However, how many different vaccinations have to be done differs greatly between nations. In Latvia, for example, there are 14, in Belgium only one. My colleague Irene Berres analyzes the situation in the EU and describes how well the compulsory vaccination in other countries works. In Germany, the role of the Greens is particularly interesting in the debate. My colleague Valerie Höhne explains why.

Karl Tapales / Moment RF / Getty Images

A doctor is vaccinating a baby

News: What you need to know today

  • Bundesrechnungshof accuses parties of misappropriation of taxpayers' money: In 2013, parliamentary groups are said to have unlawfully used public funds. This is especially true for the FDP.
  • On the brink of ungovernability: After the resignation of President Reinhard Grindel, the DFB is working on the process - and the search for the right reforms.


Reinhard Grindel

  • Brunei gay men face stoning: Homosexual women are also to be punished in the Sultanate state in Southeast Asia, but not with death. Other laws have been massively tightened despite international protests.
  • Siri should be funnier and charming: So are the latest job advertisements Apple understand. The company is looking for "International Creative Writer" for its virtual assistant.

Daniel Reinhardt / dpa

Siri Licensees

  • Record numbers of students without an Abi: In Germany four times as many people without a high school graduation study as ten years ago. This applies above all to three subject areas, including law.

Opinion: The most discussed comments, interviews, essays

Hate is money: on YouTube extreme, inhuman conspiracy theories may flourish. Because the company has found in their fans the perfect audience, writes our columnist Sascha Lobo.

"Do not tell the truth to your boss": If you are unsure about how your supervisor responds, you should keep silent about a mental illness. This is what Peter Falkai, director of a clinic for psychiatry and psychotherapy, says in an interview.

Look at the Dax! The German stock index is suddenly strong again. Which companies are particularly worthwhile, explains Harald Schmidt in his video column.


Harald Schmidt

Stories: The most read texts at SPIEGEL +

This is how the GroKo squanders our money: If the first billion program does not solve one problem, the next one is quickly launched - according to this principle, black and red rules.

Cook's mysterious nautical chart: On his first major voyage of discovery, legendary British explorer James Cook met Tupaia in the Tahitian sage. He helped the Europeans with amazing knowledge on their expedition.

Sam Eifling / AP

Polynesian boat

Please only no mobile reception! In a village in Upper Lusatia, the inhabitants are arguing: Some want to get out of the funnel. The others are strictly against it.

My evening: the recommendations for your end of workday

What you can see: Hamburger SV and RB Leipzig are the first semi-finalists in the DFB Cup. Today the next and last two teams follow: Bayern receives Heidenheim (18:30 clock) and FC Schalke SV Werder Bremen (20:45, TV: ARD, both games in the live ticker SPIEGEL ONLINE). Maybe it will be like last year for the Nordderby between Hamburg and Bremen.


Werder's Max Kruse (left), Schalke's Jeffrey Bruma

I wish you a nice finishing time.


Andreas Evelt from the Daily Team

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