Symptoms of Osler-Weber-Rindau syndrome include frequent nosebleeds (German)

The German Society for Human Genetics said that Osler–Weber–Rendu syndrome means hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, which is a genetic disorder that leads to abnormal formation of blood vessels in the skin and mucous membranes, and often in some organs. Such as the lungs, liver and brain.

The association explained that this syndrome, which was named after the doctors who discovered it, Osler, Weber, and Rendo, occurs due to changes in the genetic makeup, noting that these changes can lead to serious complications that may lead to death.

Symptoms of Osler, Weber and Riendau syndrome

Symptoms of Osler syndrome are frequent nosebleeds, red dots on the fingers and face, anemia, vomiting blood, blood in the stool, blood clotting, and fluid retention in the body.

Osler-Weber-Rindau syndrome is diagnosed with blood tests, imaging procedures and genetic diagnosis.

The association pointed out that Osler-Weber-Rendau syndrome cannot be treated causally, but rather the symptoms can be treated with medications and surgical procedures.

Source: German