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Video duration 03 minutes 33 seconds 03:33

An American committee was tasked with deciding whether potatoes should continue to be classified as a vegetable or be considered a grain, in a move that angered members of the Senate.

The roots of this debate are deep, as there has been a dispute for years between US health authorities, the potato producers’ group and representatives in Congress regarding the classification of starchy foods.

Data from the Department of Agriculture for 2019 indicate that Americans consume 22 kilograms of potatoes annually on average, about half of which are in the form of frozen products such as French fries.

Supporters of changing the classification of potatoes from a vegetable to a grain consider this a public health problem, as more than 40% of American adults suffer from obesity.

On the other hand, members of the Senate said in a letter they submitted to the Ministers of Agriculture and Health that potatoes are “rich in potassium, calcium and vitamin C.”

These representatives, who represent the main potato-growing states, including Idaho, Maine, and Oregon, stressed that “any change in classification will confuse consumers, restaurant owners, and producers.”

This controversy is reminiscent of the attempt of the administration of President Ronald Reagan to classify ketchup as a type of vegetable in the meals distributed in American schools. However, this project was quickly withdrawn after it was widely rejected.

Source: French