Updated Thursday, March 28, 2024-12:36

Isabel Gemio

has confessed in the 'Drama Queens' podcast, by Pilar Vidal, that she suffered depression when she found out that her son Gustavo had an incurable illness shortly after being adopted.

"I think that sometimes doctors are a bit crude, that they lack a bit of psychology because they told me that my son had muscular dystrophy and that generally these children died at the age of 15," he recalled. And his son, who is now 27 years old,

suffers from Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

The presenter has assured that she did not know how to assimilate the diagnosis because "she did not know anything about minority diseases."

"I hid it for the sake of my children, and I tend to keep things to myself and a psychologist told me that I had a camouflaged depression," he acknowledged in the podcast.

She has also acknowledged that although she sought professional help for treatment and also took refuge in the support of her partner and her friends, she did not turn to her mother because "the poor thing was suffering a lot." "I didn't want to convey all that to her or tell her what was coming from her... Fortunately, she died before knowing what awaited her grandson,"