Tim Gibbs from Stockholm belongs to the motor club Mattsvart, whose members are all over the country and call themselves "pilsnerraggare".

In SVT's meeting, he expresses that there is too much whining about the culture he represents and that those who have chosen to live in a city can count on noise. 

- Many people think that we just want to disturb, but we want to have fun!

Can they not see it from our point of view?

says Tim Gibbs. 

"Must stop them"

In SVT's Mötet, the raggar Tim Gibbs meets one of those who thinks the measure has been exceeded - Dick Gillving.

For several years he lived near a parking lot in Gävle where the raggs partyed.  

- How fun it is to get up and work when you are not allowed to sleep at night.

Someone has to stop them, says Dick.

Want to see how the meeting between Tim Gibbs and Dick Gillving went?

Watch the Meeting on Monday 2 November at 21.45 on SVT1 or already now on SVT Play.