The Liberal Democratic Party's successor to the chairman has not been decided

The Liberal Democratic Party's Ishiba faction has not been able to decide on a successor to former secretary-general Ishiba, who resigned as chairman last week, and the faction has proposed a loose group without a chairman for the time being. , There are also voices that threaten the survival of the faction itself.

Former Liberal Democratic Party secretary-general Ishiba resigned as chairman of the Ishiba faction, which he led last week, hoping to take responsibility for losing in the presidential election last month.

The successor chairman and future management are being discussed mainly by Kamoshita, the former Minister of the Environment, who is the secretary-general of the faction, but even one week after Mr. Ishiba's resignation, the successor has not been decided every week. The faction meeting on Thursday was also not held on the 29th.

Mr. Ishiba is eager to keep the faction alive, and mid-career and young members of the Diet who support it have expressed a request to continue regular meetings.

On the other hand, from within the faction, "It is a faction formed to make Mr. Ishiba the president, and it is difficult for anyone other than Mr. Ishiba to become the chairman," and for the time being, as a loose group without a successor chairman. There is a plan to keep it alive.

In addition, other factions within the party have begun to contact each other individually to bring in members of the Ishiba faction, and there are voices that threaten the survival of the faction itself.