
Myung-hee Myung-hee, head of the Trade and Bargaining Headquarters, who challenged the position of WTO Secretary General of the World Trade Organization, entered the final round.

There are only two finalists, one of which is Nigerian female economist Ngoji Okonzo-Iwella.

Whoever becomes, will be the first female secretary-general in the 25-year history of the WTO, and the candidates have different strengths.

What are the strengths of Director Myung-hee Myung-hee, and whether Korea will be the first to produce WTO heads?

<Reporter> Myung-hee Myung-hee,

head of the trade negotiation headquarters, is a trade expert who has only worked in the field of trade for 25 years.

He has accumulated experience in various multilateral trade negotiations such as the Korea-US-Korea-China FTA and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement.

We have emphasized that we will correct the status and role of the WTO, which has lost its function, such as the suspension of an appeals body to resolve international trade disputes, by adjusting various interests.

[Myeong-hee Yoo/Director of Trade and Bargaining Headquarters (July 16, Geneva): (If elected), we will accelerate consultations between member states to find an effective and permanent settlement.]

Headquarters Yoo is the right person to restore the order of free trade. It has been evaluated and reportedly supported by the EU and developing countries.

The Nigerian candidate Okonzo-Iwella, who faces in the third round, is not an easy match.

He has served as Finance Minister and Foreign Minister twice in Nigeria, and has worked at the World Bank for 25 years, and has a high reputation on the international arena.

Usually, whether it is professionalism or political power, a fierce battle is expected.

The convergence of African countries and the breath of great powers such as China are expected to be the last-minute variables.

[Kyo / Inha INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE and professors. Ohkon Joe - seems to be a campaign to highlight what this experience and leadership in the Trade Division yumyeonghui compared to the straw candidate that better right people to overcome the current WTO Crisis -

Final For the round, only one candidate will be selected by 164 member states, and the WTO plans to reach a final conclusion 7 days before next month.

(Video editing: Jang Hyun-ki, CG: Lee Yoo-jin)