Our reporter Zhang Yun

  When summer passes and autumn comes, when the seasons turn, in the family WeChat group, in addition to the elders’ instructions to “add clothes”, there is also a new wave of rumors: “morning C and night A” must be used in a fixed combination. Overnight vegetables can cause kidney failure, and uncooked soy milk poisons children... In September, these rumors danced with the autumn wind and "ridden the wind and waves" in the circle of friends. Are they all correct?

  Rumor 1:

  "Morning C night A" must be used in a fixed combination

  Recently, there has been a wave of "morning C, evening A" anti-aging collocation in the fashion circle.

"Morning C and night A" refers to the use of vitamin C products with antioxidant function in the morning and vitamin A products with anti-aging function in the evening.

Many people regard this combination as the golden rule of skin care.

  Truth: "Morning C and Night A" is not a perfect match for whitening and anti-aging. This combination is probably because of screaming or bundling.

  Chen Xue, the attending physician at Beijing Tongren Hospital of Capital Medical University, explained that many skin care products can be used together. Consumers only need to choose products with different effects according to their skin type and product description.

There is generally no absolute difference between skin care products of different ingredients. How to choose and match them depends entirely on personal preference.

  Vitamin C can inhibit the production of melanin and has a whitening effect, but this substance itself is extremely unstable and easily oxidized in the air, and it is also susceptible to light and heat.

Vitamin A can promote the production of fibroblasts and improve the structure of collagen in the skin.

  There are many different ways to inhibit skin aging.

No matter which one you choose, you must first consider its safety and effectiveness, and don't blindly follow suit.

Chen Xue suggested that consumers should choose large-brand and reliable skin care products to avoid "going into the pit".

  Rumor 2:

  Food in plastic packaging causes cancer

  Recently, there are rumors that the American Medical Association has discovered the "killer" of cancer-plastic. The organization reminds consumers not to drink tea, coffee or any hot drinks in plastic cups, and do not eat any hot food in plastic bags .

Rumor has it that when food is placed in a high temperature environment, chemicals produced by plastics can cause 52 types of cancer.

  The truth: Xu Dong, an associate professor at the School of Food Science and Technology of Central South University of Forestry and Technology, said that there is no scientific evidence to prove that plastic packaging can cause cancer. The pathogenic mechanism of cancer is very complicated and cannot be simply attributed to plastic.

On the market, food plastic packaging produced by regular manufacturers is in compliance with national standards, food safety is guaranteed, and eating plastic packaging food will not cause cancer.

  It is very unscientific to say that plastic packaging will produce 52 kinds of chemical substances to contaminate food, and it will cause cancer after consumption.

The commonly used food packaging plastic is a polymer material, which is polymerized by monomers through chemical methods. Its molecular weight is very large and will not easily migrate to food.

  Food packaging belongs to the regulatory scope of the "Food Safety Law". The "National Food Safety Standard Food Contact Material and Products General Safety Requirements" stipulates that the migration amount of packaging plastics when in contact with food should not exceed 0.01mg/kg, and this dose will not Contaminate food.

  Formal food packaging and food production enterprises must be strictly reviewed by relevant government departments, and their product quality must pass inspections before they can be granted a production license.

This procedure ensures that the packaging materials meet the food safety requirements and will not cause harm to the human body.

  Rumor 3:

  Eating overnight vegetables can cause kidney failure

  There have been several reports in recent days that a patient suspected of having acute renal failure caused by eating leftovers overnight.

Overnight dishes have been said to be "toxic" for a long time, so can overnight dishes be eaten?

  The truth: Xu Dong explained that only in a few cases, eating spoiled overnight vegetables can cause diarrhea. At this time, if the body is not hydrated in time and the body is severely dehydrated, it will cause kidney ischemia and cause acute renal failure.

Under normal circumstances, after a person consumes spoiled overnight vegetables, it will only affect the body's balance and will have some discomfort, but it will not be so serious that it will cause kidney failure.

  Overnight dishes refer to meals that have been stored for more than 5 to 8 hours. The main reason for the deterioration of the eating quality of overnight dishes is the spoilage and deterioration of food caused by bacterial proliferation and the increase in nitrite content.

  So, how to properly handle overnight dishes?

  Xu Dong said that the key to reducing the growth of bacteria in food is to cool the food quickly.

Leftovers should not be left at room temperature for more than 2 hours. Do not exceed 1 hour when the weather is hot to avoid rapid bacterial growth. Uneaten meals should be kept in the refrigerator after they have cooled down.

At the same time, the raw and cooked should be separated during storage to prevent cross-proliferation of bacteria in the refrigerator.

Before eating the overnight dishes, heat them thoroughly, at least to 74 degrees Celsius and keep heating for half an hour, or heat to 85 degrees Celsius and keep heating for 15 minutes, so as to kill most of the bacteria.

  In addition, green leafy vegetables, seafood, half-boiled eggs, white fungus, mushrooms, cold dishes, and soy products should not be stored overnight.

  Rumor 4:

  Uncooked soy milk poisons children

  There are rumors that after a child drank a cup of homemade soy milk, he developed nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing and other symptoms of poisoning. Although he was urgently sent to a doctor for treatment, he still died.

The cause of the accident was explained as that soy milk may have been undercooked and contained a large amount of saponins, which could cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension, dizziness and other symptoms.

If you drink uncooked soy milk, you will have the above symptoms, and you will even die in severe cases.

  The truth: Xu Dong said that raw soybeans do contain harmful substances such as lectins, saponins and protease inhibitors.

Eating insufficiently heated soy milk can irritate the intestines and stomach, cause symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, and affect the digestion and absorption of nutrients.

However, it should be noted that only long-term ingestion of such substances in large quantities can cause certain harm to the human body.

Therefore, they are not regarded as "toxic substances" and will not cause death by poisoning.

  So, how can we drink soy milk safely and healthily?

  The best way is to fully heat it to make it ripe.

When making soy milk, beware of the phenomenon of "false boiling", that is, when the temperature reaches about 80 degrees Celsius, there will be a lot of bubbles floating on the soy milk, making people mistakenly think that it has boiled.

When boiling soy milk, heat it to 100 degrees Celsius. After boiling, use a small fire to continue cooking for 5 to 10 minutes to completely destroy the harmful substances in the soy milk.

In addition, the cooked soy milk has a strong fragrance, and the uncooked soy milk will have a beany taste, which can also help us determine whether the soy milk is suitable for drinking.

  Generally speaking, drinking unripe soy milk will cause human discomfort, but it will not cause death.

Soy milk has high nutritional value, after boiling, it can be eaten with confidence.